Saturday, November 11, 2006

Undeniable Proof of my Existence

I have been asked by some of you, why don't you prove that you exist? Create something unexpected and wonderful, or abolish something truly evil. I thought about this for a while, and decided to do both both. I gave you the election results - AND the resignation of Donald "Good Riddance" Rumsfeld.
It feels so great to do something RIGHT for a change...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Mote and the Pope

Sorry for the long delay, I have just spend a few very relaxing days at the restaurant at the end of the universe, and I had no time to take care of things on your planet for a while.
So, if sparrows still kept falling from roofs, it was entirely their own fault.
Anyway, I heard that during my absence this guy who is suffering from the delusion that he is my representative on Earth, felt the need to utter his opinion on a competing belief system. He said everything the Prophet Mohammed brought was evil "such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
Of course, my self-acclaimed representative has every right to criticize this behaviour, considering the fact that HIS believe system has been spread across your planet by nothing but love, compassion, reason and mutual understanding. And wasn't it Mohammed himself who said „I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."? Well, maybe not...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Lost in Space

Just in case you're missing a whole planet: Not my fault, this time...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Now, about those books...

Wow, I just checked how much stuff I'm supposed to have written during the ages: several bibles, the Quran, the Torah, a blog on the web and a whole series of conversations with me. I've read it all. Some of it is wise, some of it is boring, some of it is silly, quite a lot is downright insane. And hardly anything is funny.
Most of these books seem to agree on only one point: That all the other books are rubbish.
For God's ... well ... my sake, you really are the most gullible of all my creations...
In order to clear up the matter once and for all and to avoid further confusion about what I did and did not say, write or order, I hereby demand that from now on the following disclaimer shall be added to all of 'my' books:
"This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons or gods, living, immortal or dead, is entirely coincidental."
You will all agree that if I am the author, I can demand to include that disclaimer. And if I'm not, the disclaimer is even more true.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

God Dog

People told me they don’t believe it's really me on that picture to the right. Some even hint at the possibility that this image might be a fake! These people wonder why I don't look human, complete with a grey beard.
Well, here are some major characteristics of me, God: I unconditionally love human beings, and yet very often do not understand what they are doing and why. I can get angry at men, but only for a brief moment and I am always able to forgive them, even after the most outrageous and dumb actions. I do not gather other members of my species and go to war.
Now look at these characteristics and compare them to the average human being. And then compare them to the characteristics of a dog. Do you still believe I created MEN according to my likeness?

Monday, July 31, 2006


Scientists: Cosmic blob biggest thing in universe
Now I'm really pissed off. That used to be MY record!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

What you got wrong...

Well. I have now taken a closer look at the world and I think that there must have been some kind of misunderstanding about that list of commands I gave this Moses guy a few thousand years ago. I knew that fellow had a hearing problem, but I never expected THIS. Remember the Seventh Commandment? About adultery??? I've got news for you: I never said a word about adultery! What an incredibly crazy idea that a superior being like me should be interested in such purely private business as your sexual behaviour.
No, what I really had said was "Thou shalt not commit IDIOCY", and if this Charlton-Heston-lookalike would have listened better or at least ASKED me once more, you would have been spared quite a few of your problems, that's for sure. Because when I look at the world, Idiocy seems to be the main cause of most problems. Maybe that error can be fixed by changing the offical list of commands. Is it sufficient to change the Wikipedia article? Or do I have to talk to one of your religious leaders? I am really upset about this error, but I don't wanna get apocalyptic about it just yet.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Me, a few seconds after the Big Bang

I know there has been some confusion among people on your planet about how I look. In fact, there have been quite a few casualties about this question. In order to clarify the situation I have included a picture of me. It was taken right after the Big Bang, and I am still wearing the sunglasses. There was another picture taken exactly at the let-there-be-light-moment, but unfortunately it was over-exposed.


Hi! I am God!

You may have heard about me. People often talk to me and ask: When will you finally get your own blog? So, I decided to create one. No big deal, actually. I had to build a medium-sized universe, a few common galaxies and stars, a few planets, some life forms and let it all evolve for a few billion years. Then I had somebody invent computers, the internet and after that, the blog.
So. Here I am. Who I am.
Actually I've heard some complaints about this whole creation-thing, so I guess I'll take a yoctosecond to investigate... I'll be back soon (in my terms).