Sunday, July 30, 2006

What you got wrong...

Well. I have now taken a closer look at the world and I think that there must have been some kind of misunderstanding about that list of commands I gave this Moses guy a few thousand years ago. I knew that fellow had a hearing problem, but I never expected THIS. Remember the Seventh Commandment? About adultery??? I've got news for you: I never said a word about adultery! What an incredibly crazy idea that a superior being like me should be interested in such purely private business as your sexual behaviour.
No, what I really had said was "Thou shalt not commit IDIOCY", and if this Charlton-Heston-lookalike would have listened better or at least ASKED me once more, you would have been spared quite a few of your problems, that's for sure. Because when I look at the world, Idiocy seems to be the main cause of most problems. Maybe that error can be fixed by changing the offical list of commands. Is it sufficient to change the Wikipedia article? Or do I have to talk to one of your religious leaders? I am really upset about this error, but I don't wanna get apocalyptic about it just yet.

1 comment:

zozosma said...

aw, You damn. freaking moses.

that makes much better sense. i would think a visit to some religious leader, during a televised sermon, would be a good way to go to get the error clarified whilst being able to forgo the whole apocalpse thing.

by the way, nice digs God.